Monday, February 26, 2007

Powerpoint is good

After reading the article powerpoint is evil by edward tufte, there are some things that i agree and some that i don't. I agree with the fact that powerpoint being utilized in elementary schools is bad. i think elementary students should learn the basic ways of writing a report first before using presentations. However, i don't think powerpoint is all evil. depending on the presenter, powerpoint can be very useful. If the presenter knows how to elaborate on the slides and provide the necessary content that accomodates the slides. then powerpoint is really helpful. In my opinion, presentation slides should be a supplement to the presenter rather than replacing the actual presentation. Tables, graphs, and pictures can help illustrate concepts and relationships more clearly than words. For example, instead of writing a whole paragraph to explain something, presenter can just use bullets to point out the main idea and then go into details in the presentation. All the content will be there if the presenter decides to elaborate on the slides. So, the issue is not with powerpoint slides but rather the presenter. A presentation does not lack content due to the fact that powerpoint slides are utilized. It is bad when the presenter just reads from the slides and not elaborating on it.

Monday, February 19, 2007

writing process

When i start to writing, i basically just get on the computer and start typing whatever that comes to mind. I spend a lot of time on the introduction because i think that is the most important part of a paper. a good introduction will keep the reader interested and also the whole paper will build upon the intro. After i write the intro and state the thesis, then i start on the body of the paper. In the body, i put down all the ideas to support my thesis. Finally, in the conclusion, i basically restate everything to make sure the reader understands the purpose of the paper. I don't go back and edit my paper for errors.
After reading writing workshop book, i found that there are lots of steps in the writing process. You have to plan, draft, evaluate, and edit. in order to write a good paper, there are many things that has to be done before actually writing the paper. First, you need to brainstorm and generate ideas. then you have to develop a good intro. you also have to consider the length of the paper and the amoutn of information to include. Also, main ideas and supporting details should be clearly stated. Finally, you have to revise the paper to make sure the purpose is clearly stated and address the right audience.

Monday, February 5, 2007

second entry

This semester I am currently taking a couse in philosophy 186. In this class, we get to learn about the nature of morality, moral theories of different philosophers, and how to determine if an argument is sound. At first the class seems boring but after a while, I find it really interesting and helpful. This class clarifies the meaning of morality and provides an answer to what makes something moral or immoral. I get to learn how to defend an argument or argue against it. More importantly, this class teaches me how to justify my decision of what is morally right or wrong. I also get to learn about moral theories of different philosophers and how each philosopher has his or her own way of justifying moral conduct and principles.
I think this class is really important and is definately useful in my career. In the future, I will need to make certain moral decisions in the business world. I can use what I learn in this class and apply the moral theories to help make moral decisions. This class is also a good tool for arguing with someone or when there is a open debate about a certain issue. Moral issues always evolve in the business world, so this class is really important to business majors.